UTEP Chemistry & Computer Science Building featuring Plaster Reveals and Stucco Stops

university building,UTEP,University of Texas,University of Texas El Paso,computer science,chemistry,university exterior,UTEP building
university building,UTEP,University of Texas,University of Texas El Paso,computer science,chemistry,university exterior,UTEP building
university building,UTEP,University of Texas,University of Texas El Paso,computer science,chemistry,university exterior,UTEP building
university building,UTEP,University of Texas,University of Texas El Paso,computer science,chemistry,university exterior,UTEP building

About the Project:

In March 2010, the University of Texas at El Paso broke ground on its new $70 million, 140,000-square-foot Chemistry and Computer Science Building. The building will provide state-of-the-art facilities for both departments on the UTEP campus. It marks the largest single construction investment on the UTEP campus to date.

Flannery provided Aluminum Plaster Reveals and Stucco Stops for the exterior of this project. Those reveals included the Plaster Channel Screed (PCS 75-75), Plaster F-Mold (FPM 75-75), and Drip Screeds (DS-875). A good portion of the project utilized Flannery’s 2-piece Expansion Reveal (EXP 75-75). All trims were factory painted in one of three custom colors, which included Philadelphia Cream, Shelburne Buff, and Audubon Russet.

A blurb about the project from KMD Architects:

"KMD provided leadership in campus master planning and architectural design services for the new interdisciplinary teaching and research building for the chemistry and computational science department of the University of Texas, El Paso. KMD collaborated closely with the office of the Campus Architect and the Office of the President to further the general masterplan for the science and engineering sector, specifically creating interdisciplinary interface between existing and proposed campus buildings. The plan builds upon the natural terrain and arroyo through this portion of the campus, introducing recognizable points of entry, gathering spaces for students and journeys through for students-at-large from remote parking lots to the center of the campus."

To learn more about the project from KMD architects, visit their portfolio where you can view their master plan for the project.


More about the trims that were used on this University Building:

Drip Screed Shape ProfileDrip Screed:

Flannery’s Drip Screeds create a drip edge for moisture to “drip” off of stucco fascia edges thus preventing it from running back across a soffit. Drip Screeds are typically set at the corner joint where fascias meet a soffit. They come with a fascia leg that acts as a stucco stop and a reveal which acts as a drip edge. Select sizes of Flannery’s Drip Screeds are available with Alignment Splices to assist in the installation process.



Plaster Channel Screed profile of shape.Plaster Channel Screed:

Flannery’s Plaster Channel Screeds create an aesthetic reveal in any stucco wall system. Channel Screeds break up plaster or stucco walls by creating horizontal and vertical reveal lines. Flannery’s Plaster Channel Screeds come in a number of depths for different stucco thicknesses as well as a number of reveal widths for just the right design look. Select sizes of Flannery’s Plaster Channel Screeds are also available with Aluminum Alignment Splices or Vinyl Connectors to ease the installation process and create crisp and clean butt joints and lines. If you are looking to achieve a small depth at 1/4”, take a look at our Plaster Control Joint.



Plaster F-Mold shape profile.Plaster F-Mold:

Flannery’s Plaster F-Mold (FPM) is a metal stucco wall trim that creates an aesthetic termination reveal in any stucco wall system. Typically installed where a stucco wall terminates at an opposing wall or dissimilar material, the Plaster F-Mold can act as a stucco stop with a built-in reveal. Select sizes of Flannery’s Plaster F-Molds are available with Aluminum Alignment Splices to ease the installation process and create crisp and clean butt joints and lines.


Plaster Expansion Reveal Shape Profile2-Piece Expansion Reveal:

Flannery’s 2-Piece Expansion Reveal acts as a plaster expansion joint designed to allow for the minor movement that may occur within an interior or exterior stucco finish. The Expansion Reveal creates an aesthetic reveal similar to the Plaster Channel Screed and allows for a ¼” of movement. Expansion movement may be increased with Flannery’s selection of custom expansion reveals and extended flanges. Select sizes of Flannery’s 2-Piece Expansion Reveals are available with Aluminum Alignment Splices to ease the installation process and create crisp and clean butt joints and lines.