Why Don’t Flannery’s LED & Light Cove Trims Come with Lighting Systems?

lighting system,light trim,led trim with lighting system,LED,Light Cove TrimsAt the beginning of this year, Flannery started showcasing four new Light Cove trims. Since then, we have received great feedback on how nice it is to buy LED and Light Cove trims without requiring a specific lighting system. This unique feature sets our product apart, making it a standout choice for those seeking versatility and convenience.

Flannery has been clear since we launched our LED trims that we are not electricians and are in the Trim business. We are good at what we do and continue to improve our products, which is possible when we have a primary product focus. We have always strived for quality, and if we aim too far from who we are, our products will not exceed our customers’ expectations. Flannery also wants to always make sure that our Trims land in our customer’s budget, and by not requiring our lighting-compatible trims to use a specific LED or driver, our customers can shop the market for the particular look and quality they want with the right price that fits into their budget. 

Some may say that if Flannery doesn’t provide more than trim, we can’t be a one-stop shop. But let me ask you this: isn’t one well-made product from a couple of different companies better than a few mediocre products from one company? With aesthetic products, it is essential that corners are uncut and that the product is produced with intentionality and not merely an extra selling point. We love what we do and want to ensure you love the result. So, before you think about buying trim from a manufacturer that can do a lot of different products, ask yourself if the quality will be exactly what you are asking for. Specialty products deserve special care, and that is something Flannery promises because we know our product and know how it can improve aesthetics dramatically.