Strata Ceiling Trims: Flannery’s Take on Suspended Ceiling Trims

Last year, you may have noticed a name change in our suspended ceiling trim product line. Flannery rebranded our suspended ceiling trims, also known as perimeter trims or “clouds”, to Strata Ceiling Trims. We went with the name “Strata” as an homage to Stratosphere, which is just below the highest ozone layer and arguably the best layer for air travel. Our goal is to take your ceiling project to new heights and thus Strata was the perfect name to describe our Suspended Ceiling Trims!

Our Strata Ceiling Trims have three categories: Cloud, Transition, and Universal Light Coves.

ceiling,strata,suspended,cloud,transition,light cove,trims,trim1) Strata Cloud Trims

Our most popular of the three lines, and where we started in the ceiling industry, are our Cloud trims. Our Cloud trims include ACCE (Acoustical Ceiling Cloud Edge), ACCR (Acoustical Ceiling Cloud Reveal), DCCE (Drywall Ceiling Cloud Edge), and ACKE (Acoustical Ceiling Knife Edge). Except for our Knife Edge trim, our cloud edge trims can be bent and radiused to create custom ceiling patterns. Our ACCE is an excellent option for radiused ceilings because it has a classic, smooth look and a wide range of size options. We make our ACCE as small as 2 inches and as big as 12 inches!

2) Strata Transition Trims

Our second Strata Category is still relatively newer and will become more popular as ceiling projects progress and change. Our transitions include ACCT (Acoustical Ceiling Cloud Transition), ACTD (Acoustical Ceiling Transition to Drywall), DCTA (Drywall Ceiling Transition to Acoustical), and DCTD (Drywall Ceiling Transition to Drywall). Our Strata transition trims are perfect for any ceilings with a drop-down or a shift between drywall and acoustical ceilings.


ceiling,strata,suspended,cloud,transition,light cove,trims,trim

3) Strata Universal Light Cove Trims

Our newest and final category is our Universal Light Coves! Our Light Cove trims help create a hidden light effect that can be integrated into a suspended ceiling. We call our Light Cove trims “Universal” because we allow for the use of any lighting system for our coves. Other companies in the ceiling industry usually have a specific lighting system they want you to integrate, but we love giving our customers options. We treat our Light Coves similarly to our LED trims because customers can also choose whatever LED brand they wish to utilize on their LED projects. We found that our customers loved the freedom to choose, so we also wanted to continue integrating that into our newer products. Call us to learn more about our new Universal Light Coves!

Concluding Thoughts

Our Strata Ceiling Trim product line has evolved a lot since the beginning, and we will continue adding new products to all our lines as our customers get creative and develop new building design ideas! We love helping our customers reach their goals and make their vision possible; let us help you today!